Monday, April 11, 2011

Exclusive Electro Lemon Interview

When you think of big time DJ's there are plenty of names that spring to mind, Tiesto, Van Burren and Guetta, to name but a very few and love them or hate them there's no denying their success and impact within the dance music industry. Now it seems everybody with a facebook page and a set of headphones has not only dreams of superstardom, but a somehwhat undeniable belief in their own abilities. 

Every so often however, I do manage to come accross that special individual, where talent actually meets ego..... well almost anyway. I caught up with one such performer recently, backstage after a set and managed to squeeze in between the groupies for this exclusive interview.

stoicecho from
Firstly thanks for your time and congratulations on the show just now

Electro Lemon
Yeah Boooooiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! I was rocking that shit all the way from the west side to the farm you know what I'm saying!! I mean the crowd was great and that always helps - but i was smashing it bro, dirty dub electro figit new indie pop and the chicks, I do it for the chicks man, its all about the chicks, seeing them dance and smile and lift up their tops and shit that's what its all about man.... the chicks....... oh and the music - yeah i love the music

You've had a very instantaneous rise to superstardom, I mean it wasn't that long ago that you were playing in small venues in your home town and now look where you are - what do you attribute to this success?

Electro Lemon
Me man, fuck really? what a question. It's cos I been smashing it. Everyone could tell how shit hot I was man. Like the first gig I did was pretty shit only like 20 people and in the whole club and as soon as i started playing all these girls went straight on the dancefloor and people must have been texting and twittering and shit cos there were like hundreds of people coming in man and the place was jumping.

And you attribute this to your DJing skills

Electro Lemon
Of course what else would it be? - Ive got the look of course.... im sexy....... but  i was playing the bestest songs man

and how long ago was this?

Electro Lemon
Like in another life man... way way ago..... like 6 months back

6 months? is that all

Electro Lemon
Yeah man... ok like what happened was i had been hanging with a new crew and they were all like rad dj's and the shit and all we would do on weekends was hook up with chicks and they would mix it up and i thought yeah man i want to be on that so my mate gave me this usb thinngy with all this music and taught me how to mix and the next weekend got me this gig and it kinda all went from there

so you're trying to tell me you've only been djing for 6 months, never bought any music and now your headling international tours?

Electro Lemon
Yeah boooiiiii - that's it! Its cos I the business

so you attribute your success to a natutal talent?

Electro Lemon
of course - some people got it and some people aint...... and i got it

you dont mind that there are many hardworking dj's putting in the hard yards with actual talent and you are taking their gigs from them?

Electro Lemon
hey man its not my fault I got talent 

so you dont think your success is due to anything else?

Elecro Lemon
anything else?

yes anyhing else. You dont think there's another reason for your success?

Electro Lemon
Apart from my skills?

yes apart from your skills

Electro Lemon
Hey what you saying man? what you getting in my grill for? what is this shit??????

Im just clarifying that  you dont think your success has anything to do with the fact that you're........

Electro Lemon

well....... you're a fruit

Electro Lemon
ay man don't be like that I aint into guys

no no no, i mean you're a lemon. A piece of fruit. Yellow. Hard outer skin with a very sour centre. Grow's on trees. Great in salad dressings, or on seafood, or in desserts even. I mean I'm not really much of a dessert person to be honest - cheesecake really? what is that? Lemon Cheesecake now.....think about that for a second.... a sour fruit, aged curdled milk and some form of cake all in the guise of a dessert....

Electro Lemon
Dude!.... Dude! What the fuck?


Electro Lemon
Yeah AND?????

.......AND? WHAT DO YOU MEAN AND???........ CAN YOU HONESTLY TELL ME....... Sorry........ I shouldn't shout.........Can you just tell me that you don't attribute at least some of your success to the fact that the majority of people have never seen a piece of fruit DJ before?

Electro Lemon
Oh....... Well i guess i never thought of that before now have i? I guess when you think about it, it is pretty strange.... but then again I hope your not being predujust or anything man.... there's lots of crazy shit out there that doesn't make sense..... Twilight, Justin Bieber, Pony's.... not to mention a fucking mouse with a big fucking mouse head djing and pulling all the fucking chicks.... and you think a lemon is strange? That's just sick dude think about that..... no really think about that. A dead mouse is ok but your freaking out about a fucking lemon?........ at least I'm fresh dude...... and dont even get me started on everything else that's fucked up with this world - Lemon Squash, CSI, the biggest looser, internet shaping, sugar free gum, sugar free anything,  Charlie Sheen, dry ice, pineapple on pizza, skinny jeans, Gloves with the fingers cut off - I mean your fingers are still gonna get cold man and its not even that cold in Australia anyway. Grow some balls!! Stop whinging!! I mean I dont wear gloves - in fact I dont even wear clothes and you dont see me complaing about the cold. In fact all i am is a fucking fruit with a face drawn on with texta and I'm still the best fucking DJ going round and If I'm so fucking good then what does that say about all the rest of you fuckers?? I'm done man I've had enough - I need a drink, a big one. This interview is over!!

stoicecho chill. Thanks for your time. Seriously though, I think everyone needs to calm down and eat some fruit or something.......

1 comment:

  1. Bahahaha!

    I wear fingerless gloves all the time, and love 'em!

