Thursday, April 14, 2011

Can I have a gig please???

Hello wow

I have just discovered you on facebook, you are definitely my favourite dj. They way you mix the music and make me want to dance is amazing! Amazingly I also happen to be a DJ - 'What a coincidence!!' its like we were meant for each other!! So i've completely destroyed all my opposition in Adelaide and now I need a new city to conquer and was anticipating Sydney would be as easy as a hooker gliding through the Newcastle Knights..... many cocks at a time :) lol oh you... :)

Anyway I play any music that happens to be rad at the moment - even if it isn't but we all know it is... just don't tell them it is yet cos it will be at least ten minutes ago... even if it already was three years ago.. that's the problem with commercial isn't it.. lol - even when we slam it down their throats one or two seem to grow a backbone.... just like a slug... people are slugs..... fuck the slugs - lets get married in a sea of confetti and golden music as we dance into the sunset on a merry-go-round of happiness.  Yours trully

Yours always

your man

your everything your everything

your everything

love always



forgot to ask - was actually asking for a gig cos i rock the pants off anything that comes close.... you'll see ;) (wink)

get back to me through my manager on 0403 524 XXX


  1. yes, names please so i can post on my facebook wall and get everyone to tag themselves on the page as well.......

    Ohhh and we love hearing the same crap 5 times a night as well.... oh can you please play some Britney as well.....


  2. Whats wrong with Britney? You KNOW you love it.

    nice blog.

