Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Motivation and the sea of anonymity

Motivation and inspiration...... it's a funny one. Im sure, like myself, you have been inspired by people who are the 'best' in their industry, or at the very least, fantastic at their craft. Whether it be the best writers, producers, photographers.... whatever, the field is irrelevant. We listen, watch, touch and get a feeling, a picture in our mind of what 'we' want to create. Learn from the best, ask questions from those who know, or simply follow our idol from afar. What better way to learn than to follow in the footsteps of those who have already walked the path.

Is it ok then to look at it from the completely opposite perspective?  Motivation through being completely underwhelmed?  Reading, looking at or listening to another's published piece or work and realising it's actually not very good. Now please let me clarify here. There is a massive difference between not liking a particular style of music, writing or photography yet still being able to acknowledge the skill of the artist. There are many styles of... let's say..... music that i completely dislike. Without offending anyone let's start with electro, figit.... rnb and how about we throw dubstep into the ring as well. However, I would be blind to think that all these producers were shite simply because that genre wasn't exactly my cup of tea. Let's give credit where credit is due.  Some of these producers are great, in fact some are  brilliant and many live in our fair city of Adelaide. In this case though, I'm talking about critiquing the artists' work, their output, their style, their music..... and not the genre. 

To watch, listen or read a published article in the style you are passionate about is different. To listen to a house track when all you listen to is house, or tech or trance whatever...... and suddenly have it dawn on you that the expectations you have placed on yourself are significantly higher than those of whom you are observing. That the published piece of art...... is in fact rubbish...... and once again please let me emphasise published here, I'm not talking about a hobbyist or a beginner posting their work online and asking for feedback because that is a fantastic way to learn. 

So this is where I come back to my question. Can we be motivated and inspired through being completely underwhelmed? And if the answer is yes then how do we do so without sounding like an egocentric, up-themselves arsehole? Is it a case of setting the bar too high on your own expectations? and if so is this imaginary bar simply holding you back, stifling your own creativity. Or is it keeping your own ideals in check? So that you don't get carried away and think your latest project is the greatest piece of artistic creation since...........      

I think i've always been wary of the latter.......... 

................ believe in yourself or remain hidden in a sea of anonymity.................

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